Vibha Kapoor, an incredibly dedicated and experienced Personal Styling Coach! Her unique approach to enhancing individual personalities through Appearance Management and bespoke design elements is truly commendable.Her vibrant spirit and self-belief, rooted in a nurturing upbringing, make you a dynamic and innovative coach in the realms of design, image, style, and etiquette.
Her nearly two decades of experience in Apparel design, coupled with your certification as an Image and Soft Skills Coach, showcase your expertise and commitment to your craft. What sets you apart is not just your technical skills but also your innate people skills and etiquette, which undoubtedly contribute to your clients' positive experiences and transformations.
At Vibha Image Consultancy, your client engagement is meticulously designed to guide clients through a seamless journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Whether through one-on-one sessions or group workshops, you prioritize flexibility and comfort, ensuring that each client receives tailored guidance and support to achieve their unique goals